Database Health Assessments

A Database Health Assessment is the process of interrogating your organization's critical database infrastructure and generating documents outlining remediation strategies for discoveries.  Our comprehensive assessment will investigate the following:


  • Hardware Configuration
  • Database Structures
  • Database Storage
  • Encryption
  • Instance Level Security
  • Database Level Security
  • Performance Metrics
  • Alerts and Monitoring
  • And more...


An assessment is a way to get quick insights into how your database environment measures up with industry best practices.


Broadstroke can perform Database Health Assessment against any SQL Server environment you may have both in the cloud and on-premises.  At the completion of our assessment, you can expect a narrative of our findings along with a spreadsheet detailing exactly what was found and why it should be addressed, under normal circumstances.  Our comprehensive assessment is designed to give you some transparency into the health of your SQL database along with a view of your hardware configuration.