Performance Tuning

Newly developed applications and databases will perform very well for the first few months, or even years, but after a while the application will start to show symptoms in the form of performance degradation.  Performance degredation may present itself in many forms, such as long running queries, failed web application page loads, or process contention as a few examples.  Once you notice performance degradation, you may need to bring in someone to look at the environment and see what can be done to improve performance.

Broadstroke's Performance Tuning Engineers can help your development and database administration team identify the current environmental circumstances promoting these negative symptoms to surface. Our engineers can also provide suggestions for addressing future state conditions that the current design pattern may introduce.  Application characteristics such as Concurrent Connections, Transactions Per Second, Object Contentions, and Lock Escalation are a few of the many aspects our engineers will take into account when performing a review of the environment.  Upon completion of our assessment, we will provide you with documentation that includes hardware environment discoveries, code pattern samples, and remediation strategies spanning indexes, statistics, or even table structures.  We at Broadstroke can assist with the implementation strategies in your environment.

Whether you are currently experiencing application / database perofrmance issues or you want to avoid them by having an objective review of the environment configuration, database architecture and application code execution patterns, Broadstroke can help with these insights.